If your child is a student athlete, you know that their sport of choice is more than just a recreational activity for them. They live, breathe, and eat their sports, working to improve themselves every chance they get.
As a good parent, you do your best to support them. Buying snacks for the whole team during tournaments, providing moral support during each and every game, and even making sure they have the protective gear that they need. But have you thought of protecting their smile?
If not, you should consider how a custom mouthguard from your children’s dentist in Oak Hill can benefit both you and your child, especially if they are active in sports!
Custom mouth guards are plastic devices shaped like a dental tray, conforming to the shape of the mouth, teeth and gums for protection from a variety of dental issues. It creates a barrier between the upper and lower teeth to prevent teeth from grinding and sudden impact. It also protects the mouth from objects that could hit the mouth, like a ball or someone’s accidental elbow.
As mentioned above, there are a few different things that can happen to the mouth when playing an active sport. If your child plays either basketball, football, does martial arts, or any other sport that requires physical contact, they could be risking their smile in these ways:
Although there are many sports that require players to wear a mouthguard, your dentist highly recommends having a custom one made just for you child rather than a general over-the-counter mouthpiece.
Every mouth is different, so you shouldn’t generalize protective gear if you want it to be effective. Custom mouthpieces are made just for your child’s teeth. This is especially important if they have an orthodontic treatment that they need to protect!
Contact your local dentist and make sure that your child is properly protected and feel safe and secure in watching them become the best versions of themselves.
Here at The Dental Centre, we know how important it is to protect your family’s health. This is especially true if you have student athletes in your family! Getting them the custom protection, they need will help you to save money in dental bills down the road and ensure that your child is safe. We’re here to help throughout the entire process! Give us a call today.
Austin, TX
4301 W WILLIAM CANNON DR Building B #240, Austin, TX 78749
Email: care@dentalcentreaustin.com
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Austin, TX, 78749
Phone: (512) 892-7800